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Music Theory for Dummies
Music Theory for Dummies is glad to say that it is possible to learn to play an instrument without having to do it from books, it is fully possible to learn by the hear and play method and do it well.
Music Theory for Dummies is a page that creates a lead in for you to get to other pages where we are building together a system to help you find the very things you are looking for, including training and books. We are also listing those who can help you over the Internet.
Music Theory for Dummies also realizes that one of the best ways to get started is mentoring by somebody, so we are building together a team that will be able to help you. But just like you we are learning as we go, and each day we get better at it.
Music: Music Theory For Dummies

Music Theory For Dummies

by Michael Pilhofer, Holly Day
April 2007, Paperback (E-Book also available)
Many people grimace at the sound of music theory. It can conjure up bad memories of grade school
music classes, rattle the brains of college students, and make self-taught musicians feel
self-defeated. Music Theory may seem tedious and unnecessary, especially since not many
people can read music.
Luckily, Music Theory for Dummies shows you the fun and easy way to understanding the concepts
needed to compose, deconstruct, and comprehend music.
This helpful guide will give you a great grasp of:
·         Note value and counting notes
·         Treble and bass clefs
·         Time signatures and measures
·         Naturalizing the rhythm
·         Tempo and dynamic
·         Tone, color, and harmonics
·         Half steps and whole steps
·         Harmonic and melodic intervals
·         Key signatures and circles of fifths
·         Scales, chords, and their progressions
·         Elements of form
·         Music theory’s fascinating history
This friendly guide not only explores these concepts, it provides examples of music to compliment them so you can hear how they sound firsthand. With a bonus CD that demonstrates these ideas with musical excerpts on guitar and piano, this hands-on resource will prove to you that music theory is as enjoyable as it is useful. Don’t get discouraged by the seemingly complicated written structure. With Music Theory for Dummies, understanding music has never been easier!
     Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file
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